What is Black Steel & Black Titanium Body Jewellery?
Black Steel and Black Titanium body jewellery are steel or titanium products coated in a Titanium compound using a Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) process to give the luxurious deep black colour you tell us you love.

How Do You Make The Body Jewellery Black?
First you place the jewellery is placed in a heated vacuum chamber, where an electric voltage is applied to create plasma.
This creates an ion bombardment resulting in atomizing the cathode material (in this case Titanium Aluminum Nitride – TiAlN) into miniscule particles. It’s the TiAIN that produces the black colour.
Then these extremely tiny particles are deposited onto the jewellery producing a black coating on the jewellery.

What Are The Benefits Of Black Titanium & Black Steel?
Colour, durability & biocompatibility.
Colour: The PVD Black coating produces a luxuriously shiny deep black colour that you tell us you love.
Durability: The PVD coating process produces a superior product with the added advantage of producing a low-friction, biocompatible, high shine piece of jewellery, with a tough scratch-resistant finish.
Biocompatible: The PVD black coating is also biocompatible and therefore a great choice for your body piercing jewellery.

The PVD black coating is incredibly tough and therefore desirable and has been in use since the 1990’s. As the coating is very durable and reduces friction it’s ideal to prolong the life of machine tools. This incredible coating is used in F1 car engines to reduce friction and increase energy efficiency.
Black Titanium is a lightweight, strong and bio-compatible.
Black Steel has the same benefits, although is not quite as lightweight, but offers a cost effective way to get the desired colour. We have a huge range of Black Steel & Black Titanium products to choose from!